Work's been very hectic recently with the sales going on. The crowd at ION is CRAZY. The traffic is non-stop, giving us no time to take a breather. Currently, my team's being very weak. Cant handle without me around. My phone has been ringing non-stop when I'm off. I know I can only depend on Ginnie. She's the only one I can trust when I'm not around. Simple things cannot be done properly. Simple instructions left down cannot be done properly. What's wrong with these people? Do they even know what they are doing? Do they even know if they are up to the job? I'm thinking should I continue to suffer in silence or voice out?? What should I do? Can someone give me an answer?
Been thinking for a few months whether should I look for a new job as I cant take it any longer. The stress has been too high for me to handle and it's causing me my health. Position and money is not important if my health was to suffer cos of it. Money cant buy me happiness or my health.
I miss the good old days where we can just have fun and work at the same time. Thinking back, my time at Parkway was the best with the whole united as one. I MISS my Parkway team. How I wish I can have them as my team now... Having fun & laughter everyday at work..